Tokyo Ueno Station
by Yu Miri: A poignant novel that follows the life of a homeless man, Kazu, who was born in 1933 and worked as a laborer for the Tokyo 1964 Olympics.
by Yu Miri: A poignant novel that follows the life of a homeless man, Kazu, who was born in 1933 and worked as a laborer for the Tokyo 1964 Olympics.
by Kyoko Nakajima: A fictionalized memoir, this novel is the diary of a former maid, Taki, who moves to Tokyo in 1930 to work for a rich family.
by Natsume SÅseki: A classic novel that explores the themes of loneliness and isolation in the rapidly modernizing city of Tokyo.
by Nick Bradley: A debut novel that follows the adventures of a stray cat in Tokyo who brushes up against a wide variety of characters.
by Jake Adelstein: A memoir by a former crime reporter for the Yomiuri Shinbun newspaper. The book provides a fascinating insight
by Yoko Ogawa: A heartwarming novel that tells the story of a brilliant mathematician who suffers from a brain injury that limits his memory to only 80 minutes.
by Pico Iyer: A travelogue that explores the culture and customs of Tokyo through the eyes of a Westerner. The book provides a fascinating insight
by Satoshi Kako: A collection of short stories that explore the lives of ordinary people living in Tokyo. The stories are set in different neighborhoods
by Yukio Mishima: A coming-of-age novel that tells the story of a young fisherman who falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy businessman.
by Keigo Higashino: A psychological thriller that follows the investigation of a murder case in Tokyo. The novel is known for its intricate